Background of the study
Every country places a significant emphasis on the education of its educational system. As a result, it commands a significant education of attention from the family, the community, and all levels of government; educational matters are deliberated over, planned, and carried out (Omolewa, 2001). It is widely held that receiving an education not only re-creates people but also the nation, as well as impacts the values and attitudes necessary for a life that is meaningful. The National Policy on Education (2009) is correct when it says that education is "an instrument par excellence." The world at large had recognized education as the panacea to development and survival of man himself, so the National Policy on Education's assertion that education is "an instrument par excellence" is not incorrect. Therefore, it should not come as a surprise that there are three stages of education: basic, secondary, and postsecondary education. These three levels offer different educational procedures. As a direct consequence of this, education has been put on the concurrent list. That is to say, the administration, funding, policy development, and upkeep of schools or issues connected to education are all topics that may be discussed by both the federal government and individual state governments. Public outcry has been heard over the years regarding the future of the educational system in Nigeria and the production of graduates with little technical know-how. This has led to serious setbacks in the industrial and economic development of the nation as well as its place among the comity of nations in the 21st century. Research into the factors that impact the academic performance of students both in and outside of the classroom may be able to be traced back to the individual family or the home. The home, often known as the family, is an essential component of society and is a component of the social structure. It is a truism that healthy homes are the foundation of a prosperous nation. It is because of reasons like these that every civilization works for societal advancement. Everyone has someone who cared for them when they were little and who they considered to be a member of their "family." There has never been a lone guy in the world. Everyone has a family to which they belong. There are just a select few things that are more ubiquitous than the family. The only way for human cultures to maintain their way of life through generations is through the institution of the family. This is demonstrated in the Bible in Genesis 1:28, where it says, "And God blessed them; and God said unto them, Be prolific, and multiply, and replenish the land, and subdue it..." (American Standard Version) [American English] No matter whether they are married or not, all parents create long-lasting imprints on their children's lives, and the position of a parent who is single does not exempt them from this responsibility. On the other hand, regardless of what may have caused this singularity, the child's developing personality is likely to be marked in significant ways by the experience, whether it be death, divorce, or something else. The manner in which a single parent tackles the tremendous chores that come with being a single parent is ultimately what counts most. According to Ahuja (2000), regardless of the approach that a single parent takes to the problems of parenting, there are profound repercussions on the child's personality, uniqueness, and academic performance when compared to children whose parents cohabit the same household. Being a child of a single parent is a challenging and difficult circumstance to be in. According to Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs, children look to their parents to fulfill their first three psychological needs. These needs are referred to as the physiological, safety, and love and affection needs. Physiological needs include things like food, water, air, and shelter. Safety needs include things like security. Their children will feel safe and confident in themselves if their parents exude self-assurance and are emotionally stable. The identity crisis that a child experiences as a result of having only one parent may have a profoundly single impact on their personality. Despite the fact that the customs and mentalities of many African civilizations have evolved, many children who have only one parent are still referred to as bastards. This is especially true for children whose parents have never been married. It is a societal taboo, therefore it will always be a source of shame for the child whose mother was never married to his or her father, or for the children whose father refused to acknowledge or accept them as his own. At school and on the playground, other students and children single them out and make fun of them. As a consequence of this, individuals develop an aversion to going to school and interacting with other people. These are some of the challenges that children who have only one parent have to face throughout their lives (Stinson, 2000). The child is the primary focus, and without the child, the term "parent" cannot be used in any meaningful context. Researchers in the social sciences have found a variety of ways in which children's behaviour patterns alter based on the sort of family they come from. These patterns include: Many people are of the opinion that children raised in families with only one parent are more likely to exhibit materialistic and obsessive spending behaviors than children raised in households with two parents. (Amato, P. R., 1987) A child who grows up in a household in which both the mother and the father are active participants will receive excellent care and will have optimal opportunities to interact with their homes. This is because the process of socialization is dependent on both parents playing roles in the child's upbringing that are complimentary to one another in order to be successful. The home is the initial and most important environment for the development of socialization skills. A child like this who is raised correctly has a good chance of reaching their full potential later in life, but children who grow up in homes with just one parent are more likely to be deprived of certain rights and opportunities and to have those rights taken away from them (Battle, 1998). According to Salami (1998), "Children from broken homes are typically connected with anti-social behaviour and bad academic records." This is the author's point of view. It is clear that time has moved on. It is no longer common practice to follow many of the antiquated rituals and practices that have been passed down through the generations and taught for many years. It is no longer accurate to say that the underlying beliefs and values of our society are the same as they were in the past since modern culture has evolved beyond those ideas and values. Despite this, moralists and conservatives are becoming increasingly repulsed by the rapidly shifting belief and cultural systems in today's world. The fact of the matter is that practices that were formerly deemed intolerable but have since gained popularity at an alarmingly quick rate. One of the most significant problems that has been giving conservatives sleepless nights for decades, and possibly centuries, is the problem of single parenting. In today's world, single parenting is already developing into a trend that is quick and swift in its expansion. (Tenibiaje, M. O., 2011).
It is clear that time has moved on. It is no longer common practice to follow many of the antiquated rituals and practices that have been passed down through the generations and taught for many years. It is no longer accurate to say that the underlying beliefs and values of our society are the same as they were in the past since modern culture has evolved beyond those ideas and values. Despite this, moralists and conservatives are becoming increasingly repulsed by the rapidly shifting belief and cultural systems in today's world. The fact of the matter is that practices that were formerly deemed intolerable but have since gained popularity at an alarmingly quick rate. One of the most significant problems that has been giving conservatives sleepless nights for decades, and possibly centuries, is the problem of single parenting. In today's world, single parenting is already developing into a trend that is quick and swift in its expansion. (Tenibiaje, M. O., 2011) When both parents work together to provide the best care for their child, it helps the child develop in a way that is both ethically sound and emotionally secure. The child's initial point of contact with socialization is the family, and the family has a significant impact on the child's development in many domains, including academics, mental and moral development, emotional and spiritual growth, and physical development. Before a child attends school, the firm foundation of education is laid by the family, and the home is the place where the child develops the personality that they will bring with them to school. The elderly are fond of saying, "Charity begins at home." In the process of a child's intellectual growth, the child's parents have important functions to perform. Because of this, the researcher plans to evaluate the impact of single parenting on the academic performance of students attending junior secondary schools in Ekiti State, utilizing certain selected schools in the Ido-Osi Local Government Area as a case study.
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